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Tool Purpose Link
ChatGPT AI built for anything and everything https://chat.openai.com/auth/login
Elpha Professional network dedicated to helping women succeed at work https://elpha.com/top
Clay AI powered tool to help you manage your network https://clay.earth
H1B Salary Database View salaries of people being sponsored https://h1bdata.info/index.php
KickResume AI Build resume and cover letter with AI https://www.kickresume.com/en/, https://www.kickresume.com/pyjama-jobs/
Pathrise Match you up with mentors at top companies https://www.pathrise.com/
Inhersight Find job postings and career resources https://www.inhersight.com/
Wonsulting AI (ResumAI, Cover LetterAI, NetworkAI) AI that creates resume bullets, cover letters, and networking messages https://www.wonsulting.ai/
TealHQ (Resume Builder, Job Tracker) AI that helps create your resume, free templates, free job tracker, career hub of advice https://www.tealhq.com/
NotionAI AI built for anything and everything notion.so
H1B grader Find companies that sponsor immigrants https://h1bgrader.com/
MIT Career Handbook Advice on how to get a job after college, salary negotiation, and more https://capd.mit.edu/resources/career-handbook/
BingAI Use for researching companies for interview prep https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/bing
Level.fyi Find big tech salaries for each role Levels.fyi
Cultivated Culture (Resume builder, resume scanner, email finder, resume bullet analyzer, cover letter builder, headline analyzer) Tools to build your resume and cover letter, find emails, and analyze your LinkedIn headline https://cultivatedculture.com/, Resymatch.io, Mailscoop.io
Career Explorer Find your ideal career based on your skills https://www.careerexplorer.com/
Resume.io Resume and cover letter templates (+ AI tools) https://resume.io/
LinkedIn Networking, job searching + applying https://www.linkedin.com/feed/?trk=
Glassdoor Find salary and interview questions for roles https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/lp/careermoves/
Comparably (Salary) Compare salaries and benefits with others in your industry, and as a bonus, they do "Best Company For…" awards for categories like Diversity, Leadership, Women, and more. Comparably
RepVue (Salary) For experienced sales reps & newbies looking for tech sales jobs. Each company gets scored based on peer feedback RepVue
Fishbowl Several salary 'bowls' you can access for discussions on compensation, negotiations, and raises for your role/industry. Fishbowl
Salary website Provides salary data, a personal salary report, and has a cost of living calculator. Salary.com
Blind A community discussion platform where people freely share their comp, they also have total compensation data aggregated from thousands of their users. Blind
Big Interview Interview training and mock interview practice https://www.biginterview.com/
Interview Warmup by Google An AI-based platform to help individuals practice interviewing. Asks questions, transcribes verbal responses in real-time, uses ML to give feedback. https://grow.google/certificates/interview-warmup/
Pramp Practice live interviews with peers. Pramp also specializes in free, mock code interviews. Pramp
LinkedIn Interview Prep This tool also uses AI to analyze your answers, you can also record yourself on video. https://www.linkedin.com/interview-prep/assessments/urn:li:fsd_assessment:(1,a)/question/urn:li:fsd_assessmentQuestion:(10011,aq11)/
Interview Buddy Create a profile, choose a mock interview time slot, receive a curated list of prep materials for your target firm, get feedback and a recording of your practice interview. https://interviewbuddy.in/
Resume Reworded AI powered feedback for your resume and LinkedIn profile https://resumeworded.com/
Rezi AI AI powered resume writing https://www.rezi.ai/
Skill Roads AI powered resume writing https://skillroads.com/
Loom Create personalized videos for networking https://www.loom.com/
Yesware Track email outreach opens https://www.yesware.com/
Mail Track Track email opens in gmail https://mailtrack.io/en/
My interview practice Setup mock interviews for practice https://myinterviewpractice.com/
Top resume Get your resume reviewed for free https://www.topresume.com/resume-review
Chrome Extension - ChatGPT for Google Sheets Craft personalized networking messages App store
CareerFlow.Ai Optimizes your LinkedIn profile https://www.careerflow.ai/
Grammerly Grammer for resume, cover letter etc. https://www.grammarly.com/jobs
Text Blaze Create text templates with ease and save time with emails + networking messages https://blaze.today/
Speeko AI Speech Coach Get feedback on interviews https://www.linkedin.com/company/speeko/
The List Layoff list updated weekly https://www.wiseful.co/thelist
Crunchbase tech layoff tracker Layoff tracker https://news.crunchbase.com/startups/tech-layoffs/
TechCrunch Layoff List https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/30/tech-industry-layoffs/
Levels.Fyi Job board https://www.levels.fyi/still-hiring/
To Do list Keep track of daily tasks https://todoist.com/app/today
Yoodli Interview Practice https://app.yoodli.ai/onboarding
Ace Vercel Interview Practice http://ace-it.vercel.app